1. Analyze Learning Habits
Is your learning planned?
How many books do I read in a year?
2. Schedule Time for Learning
Establish a reading goal
Prioritize and schedule time to read
Use empty time
3. Balance Your Learning
Read people you disagree with
Read broadly
4. Don't Just Read a Book
Wrestle with it
Respond to what you read
Mark up your books and take notes
5. Read Critically
Author- who wrote it?
Testimonials- who recommends it?
Contents- what's in it?
Research- what are it's sources?
Reviews- what do the critics say?
Publisher- who sponsored it?
Audience- who is it written for?
Time- how long has it been around?
Red flags- are there problems with it?
6. Do A Monthly Web Tour
Find new books on the web and social media.
7. Build Your Own Library
Virtual or physical
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