Thoughts on a Learning Network...
In a Learning Network, if you want to get more knowledge then you need to give away more knowledge, share more learning, and help others increase their learning.
In a Learning Network—each person is a node in a massive network of networks.
In the Learning Network-social ties, learning events, learning media, etc. are now organized around the individual (not the group or community).
We have less real face-to-face time with others, but more contract throughout the day via technology and networks. We are now just a likely to learn from someone we see face-to-face during our day, as we are to learn from someone we never see who is in our network.
In the Learning Network- we have moved from place-to-place contact to person-to-person contact through our technology and networks.
The place of connectivity and learning no longer is a physical place. Learning Networks allow for learning outside of the limitations of time and space.
We are members of networks with many loose connections. View connections in terms of reciprocity- we must manage these connections to maximize learning opportunities.
Reciprocity into our networks is not only key...but it leaves a digital trace. People will know if we have helped others learn.
Learning Networks provide for "just-in-time" learning, serendipitous learning. It allows you to leverage your learning with others…but you have to share.
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