If you want to your organization to be able to adapt and change, then your organization needs to get all people “learning” in the same direction. You need to achieve Dynamic Learning Alignment.
Dynamic Learning Alignment- DLA is reached when the people in your organization are all simultaneously learning what the organization needs to know to succeed in an ever-changing environment.
DLA is learning for the current environmental needs while at the same time learning to prepare for future challenges and opportunities.
DLA requires TriDextrous Learning. Learners prepare for their work, projects, and challenges by learning before directly addressing the work, learning during the work, and learning after the work has been completed. The learner learns about past problems and solutions, current problems and solutions, and also learns about potential future problems and solutions.
When DLA is reached in your organization, all your people will be learning for current and future success in an ever-changing and increasingly complex environment.
DLA enables an organization to become and remain incredibly flexible and adaptable. If your organization is built to change then it is built to learn –
Ability to CHANGE = Ability to LEARN
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