As readers of this blog know, I believe that technology, education, marketing, and brand are on an eventual collision course that will create Educational Brands for teachers, schools, and districts. Teachers, schools, and districts will have marketing brands created by students, parents, test scores, and any number of available data streams in the coming years. Much as business has had to come to terms with their brand and reputation, so too, I believe, will teachers, schools, and districts have to comes to terms with the need for brand management.
And a business has learned, and I am warning teachers and schools, you need to manage your educational brand, or it will be managed for you. Also, it's not who you say you are, it's who "they" say you are that will matter.
Anna Farmery posts You Know That You Have a Strong Employer Brand When... on The Engaging Brand Blog
- You have people contacting you to see if they can join
- When your "unintentional" employee turnover is significantly lower than the competition.
- When you have a waiting list of potential recruits.
- When your employees recommend you as an employer to friends and family.
- When your employees are proud to say who they work for...
- When people choose to stay despite a better financial offer.
- When employees do not focus on what they are being paid.
- When people are smiling in open rather than talking in corners.
- When you don't have to look outside to fill a role and there is a pipeline of talent.
- Oh and of course when people wear the company t- shirt on holiday!
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